Project Description
About the Brand

Mb Enterprises is the leading manufacturer of Epoxy Resin & other chemicals. With established offline business MB Enterprises wanted to seek the opportunity of taking the business online in current scenario of pandemic.
Launched in February 2021, MB Enterprises started with the brand MB EPOXY which offers a high quality epoxy resins available online. The goal of the project was to educate and inform customers and entice them to make their next resin purchase online.
Highlighting product quality and creating a trustworthy brand identity was a must. The custom design, branding, and shopping experience allows for customers to go from interest to purchase easily.
Execution Overview
Branding & Sales
Services Offered
- Branding
- Website Design and Development
- Paid Advertisement on Social Media
- Graphic Designing
- E-commerce Photography
As an industry leader & new in the online market, MB Enterprises needed to take its online presence to the next level.
To build the brand identity a unique package design & product catalog were curated for the brand.
A highly customized eCommerce website was designed & deployed.
Aggressive sales from the brand website using performance marketing solutions.