Digital Marketing

Remarkable Evolution of Digital Marketing

Product, price, place and promotion are the most essential element in Marketing. It is true! However, the most crucial one amongst all the 4P’s is Promotion, Because if the promotion is wrong, your product price and place will be of no use. That is why you must choose the right promotion strategy.

Marketing is all about Promoting the Right Product at the Right Place and the Right Price.

In earlier times, marketing was done through newspapers, print media, Pamphlet distribution, Banners, Hoardings, etc. These were the traditional means of Marketing. However, with time there was an evolution in marketing. There came a new way of marketing, i.e. Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing is quite effective than traditional marketing. But, you will be amazed by the Evolution of Digital Marketing.

But before we jump on Evolution of digital marketing, I would like to tell you about;

What is Digital Marketing?

Marketing or Advertising through Modern Platforms and channels of Marketing is known as Digital Marketing. In Simple words advertising through every modern means of technology such as Search engines, Facebook, Instagram, emails, mobile applications, Electronic devices.


In the early 2000s, there were very few mobile phone users; the Digital Marketing Strategies used in early2000s were, Electronic billboards, Radio marketing, Radio commercials, Show sponsoring, TV marketing, TV commercials, Tele-shopping, Tele-calling were some traditional digital marketing techniques.

However, with time, there was an Evolution of Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing is one of the best methods of marketing. If Marketing was a tree, then Digital Marketing is the stem of the tree. The branches of this tree are SEO, PPC, SEM, Social Media Marketing, SMS and Email marketing, Content marketing, Etc. These digital marketing techniques are so useful that they can bring a J-curve in your business. 

Digital marketing is not a new concept, but earlier People used traditional means of marketing to promote their business.

However, there were different types of traditional marketing strategies used when people were not aware of Digital Means of Marketing.

Here are some of the traditional means of Marketing

Traditional Marketing

Print media

Weeklies, Magazines, Monthlies, Graphics, Posters, and other forms of print material come in Print Media and newspapers are also a part of print media. Print media were a traditional means of marketing where companies posted their ads in the magazines that suit their businesses. 


As I said earlier, newspapers are also a part of Print media. But the approach of Marketing through a Newspaper is quite costly, and targeting your customers is not easy. Because even if you want to target your local customers, you will have to do an advertisement in the whole state. This process continues every time you wish to do marketing or publicity. Marketing through the newspaper is costly and Non-Reliable.

Pamphlet distribution

This is the most unreliable strategy in traditional marketing. In this strategy, people usually distribute a pamphlet with all the information written in it, which is less effective as people don’t read it and throw it thinking it as scrap.


Billboards are those huge boards we see on the highway while travelling. These billboards are used for marketing. But it is not that effective. 

These were the traditional Marketing strategies which are applied even today but aren’t much powerful. Along with these traditional marketing, there were some of the digital means of marketing too, Like Radio; It is the first means of Digital Marketing in India and then eventually new ways of marketing came in the market such as TV Commercials, Telle-Shopping, Telle-calling which are even used today.

However, In between using these marketing strategies somewhere, the internet was rising, modern internet was invented in 1983.

The Most astonishing evolution of digital Marketing took place after the invention of the Internet.

Then there were new inventions and platforms coming in the market and the first one was Archie, It was the first search engine ever, it was introduced in the year 1990.

A year later In 1991, the first website was launched by CERN. The evolution of digital marketing had begun. In 1992, Ten more websites were created.

In 1993, the internet users were next to zero and in no time in 1995, The Internet users worldwide were 25,437,639. And the number kept increasing. However, in 1994 Yahoo was Introduced. This was the beginning of the New Era of Digital Marketing.

When a lot of websites were created, a lot of content arrived. When a lot of content arrived, the user started having problems finding his website. And then there was a need for structured data and accessibility to know which website has which content. And then in 1996, Larry Page and Brin created the most successful search engine called BackRub and later changed it to Google.

In 1998. Yahoo web search came into the market and Microsoft also launched MSN(Microsoft Network). By the time it was 2001, the number of internet users was reaching the sky, the total active users were 414,794,957.

3 years later in 2004, the best invention of the decade came into the market and that was Facebook. Social Media came into the spotlight after the invention of Facebook.

Before the invention of the Internet, digital marketing was practised but with a different approach. here are some of the traditional digital marketing.

Traditional means of digital marketing in India

Radio marketing

The radio was invented in the year 1886 by Heinrich Hertz The first one to do Marketing through radio was Guglielmo Marconi.

In India, radio has the highest reach. It reaches More than 60% of the Indian population. It is one of the oldest means of Digital marketing. Radio is still effective to target a large number of audience in India.

Show sponsoring

Show sponsoring is effective only when a large number of people regularly watch that show or listen to a particular radio channel; the other way also it is useful but not much effective. Because the name of the sponsor is just taken at the start and at the end of the show, which is less effective

TV commercials

TV commercials were used earlier, and it was useful back in the 2000s. Today, more than half of people don’t watch television. They use Netflix, and other web shows channels.

Have you ever seen those TV commercials when you were a kid?

Not up to my knowledge;

No, whenever the ad popped out, we usually changed the Channels and visited other channels.


Tele-shopping was the least effective; it was shown late at night when nobody would watch that. So, nobody usually saw it and never had much of the TRP (television rating point). 


It is still used by the telecommunication sector and the real estate sector. Tele-calling was quite useful earlier, Telle-calling was quite effective if you know the art of enticing your customers. However, In the Tele-communication industry, it was the same recorded audio that was played every time you called them. Sometimes they even call you to tell the offer.

So, now you’ve got an overview of Traditional Means of Digital Marketing.

These were and are some of the traditional methods of Digital Marketing that are still used for Marketing but aren’t as effective as present Digital Marketing techniques.

The Evolution of Digital Marketing was quite astonishing.

Present Strategies of Digital Marketing are as important as water is to a tree. There are different types of digital marketing, and all the marketing strategies are unique and useful in some or the other way.

SEO: – Search engine optimization

Today, every mobile user searches on Google to get the necessary information the person is searching for. So, it is essential to have your presence on search engines, i.e., having your website.

If you are curious about,

What is SEO?

SEO (Search engine optimization) is the process of increasing your website’s traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page on particular keywords to reach potential users through a search engine. And the keywords are what a user is most likely to search on the search engine are keywords for website owners.

With the help of SEO, you can get organic traffic, or you can say genuine customers on your website.

PPC: – Pay per click

PPC helps you to rank instantly on the search engine by running a paid advertisement. You run a paid advertisement on the internet. PPC services also help you to attract organic traffic on your website but by paying the search engine.

SEM: – Search engine marketing

SEM is a broad term; Any means of marketing through the search engine is search engine marketing. SEO and PPC are also a part of SEM.

With the help of SEM, you can target your customers through the search engine, be it by using PPC or by practising SEO process.


By running your ad on a particular website that has more traffic.

SMM: – Social Media Marketing

Today the number of social media users is increasing day by day. So, if you want to make your business a brand, then you should probably opt for social media marketing services it is one of the best options for you, you can do branding, selling, advertising, etc.

With the help of Social media Platforms, People are busy on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and many other Social Media platforms. So, targeting your users through social media can be useful if you use the right strategy.

SMS and Email Marketing

Today, there are more than 400 million smartphone users in India. Every Smartphone needs a Mail id. This shows the number of Email users. What makes email Marketing complicating is the number of active email users. Those are quite less, but if you apply the right strategy, Email marketing is quite useful.

The Evolution of Digital Marketing reduced the paperwork and also the usage of paper by Reducing Pamphlet distribution; it is a traditional means of Marketing, it has entirely reduced.


This was the Evolution of Digital Marketing, and there is no doubt that it is going to boom in the future and new and new ways of marketing will come into the market. It is a thought that “You have to fold and mould yourself according to the surrounding.” These can be the only strategies you need to implement to grow your business.

Digital Marketing is the future of Marketing; Digital Marketing can help you to grow your business. However, if you ignore the importance of Digital Marketing today, your business growth may lack in the future.

Today is a cut-throat competition in every business; You can only thrive amongst the competition, if you think differently or if you think a step ahead of your competitor. You should keep in mind the most essential factors of your business, which are products, price, place, and promotions. And use the right type of promotions for every product at the right place for promotion, the right price at the right time, which is essential.

Every sector is equally important and different in its way. One strategy cannot work in all areas. It is necessary to choose a suitable strategy for your business and target audience.

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